We are on a mission to help local villages with rural revival of self-sustainability. We are concentrating on a select cluster of villages in the drought prone Parli tehsil in Beed district in Marathawada, Maharashtra.

We aim to help deliver a model of development we we can easily replicate. This will simultaneously address many of the key challenges that are facing social and economic growth, which includes: water security, agriculture, education, sanitation, and community and leadership building.
Water is the building basis of any society. Clean readily available water is the source of any flourishing society. We drink it daily to quench our thirst, wash our ourselves and our children with it, we grow our gardens and we use it on every aspect of our lives without ever thinking twice about it, until there is none. Without it, we simply cannot exist.
But with the advancement of time comes with it an advancement of technologies and accumulated knowledge which enables us to overcome adversity such as intermittent to virtually no water. Bringing water ‘corralling’ technologies such as proper irrigation, wells and river management will help these peoples flourish and prosper, without it there is virtually no hope. Just a bleak existence with unfulfilled potential wasted.